We started a new tradition this year and counted down the days until Christmas by unwrapping a book each night. Some are brand-new, some are well-loved, and many I found for sale for $1 at the Holliston Public Library. Making holiday memories is simple with the adage: something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to READ!
Since we don't celebrate with a visit from Santa on Christmas Eve or opening a mountain of gifts on Christmas morning, this was a simple way to incorporate the joy of gift giving and receiving in our holiday season. It was like an advent calendar--each evening after bath and pjs, I placed a wrapped book for each child under the tree and they got to open them and sit with me and read them before bed.
Maya, Mateo, and Sofia eagerly opened their new or new-to-them books, and this special holiday tradition is something I plan to do in years to come. Next year, I'll use this same Christmas library, and slowly reveal a beloved book each night. It won't matter that they are not brand new, the excitement is in the opening of the gift, and the memory of Christmas snuggles as we sit and read them together. I'm excited to continue this tradition as long as the little ones remain interested in picture books (because chapter books don't hold quite the same appeal to be read year after year.)
If you're interested in building your book library, let me help! Imagine celebrating the holiday season early this year with a countdown for the 12 days of Christmas. Cozy up with a new book each night. Usborne Books & More are perfect for celebrating the 12 days of Christmas countdown, and hosting a party of your own is a great way to get them for FREE and half-priced!
Here's a list of book suggestions by age-range that you might consider adding to your holiday collection this year! Find them all here: Usborne Books & More
Ages 0-4
Christmas Book Pack - 4 books $3.75 each
Little Coloring Book Under the Sea - $4.99
Little Children’s Coloring Book - $5.99
Old MacDonald Had a Farm - $4.99
Stained Glass Dinosaurs - $5.99
Dogs Dogs - $5.99
How to Collection - $7.50 each
First Sticker Book Christmas - $5.99
Little Wipe Clean Things that Go - $6.99
Ages 5-8
Word Puzzles & Games - $4.99
Sports Jokes - $4.99
Animal Jokes - $4.99
Read with Usborne - $3.99 each
Be Positive - $6.99
Dangerous Animals Beginner Reader - $4.99
Animal Trivia questions - $4.99
Phonics Reader - $6.99
Missing Ace - $5.99
Ages 9+
Baseball All Stars - $4.99
Football All Stars - $4.99
Extraordinary Life of Neil Armstrong - $5.99
Planet Earth Crosswords - $4.99
Wild Survival Activity book - $4.99
Secret Codes - $5.99
Stay Strong - $6.99
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