With a day off from school on Monday, I really wanted to take the kids to do something fun in the morning. But since we are in COVID-19 times, there is not a plethora of activities to choose from like there used to be. It made me so nostalgic for this time last year, when my year-long maternity leave had just begun, and we filled each day with story times, playgroups, and had so many options of toddler programming! Community Kangaroo is glaringly vacant nowadays, but there was one activity posted for today. A story walk put together by the Franklin Public Library through the DelCarte Conservation Area. So that is where we went, and we had the best time!
It was the perfect fall day to read Kenard Pak's "Goodbye Summer Hello Autumn" in the woods. This is a beautifully illustrated story of a young girl as she watches the world around her prepare for a new season, from the animals to the trees, to the wind and the air!
The whole walk took us about an hour, because I stopped to record each page and we took many, many photos. Mateo was beyond himself with excitement, because usually he is relegated to the stroller or I wear him on my back when we go out. But this time his stroller didn't fit in the narrow and root-filled walking path, and I had left his backpack in the car and it was just too far to go back. So instead he got to walk, run, and explore on his own two feet.
I was worried that it would be crowded, but we were easily able to social distance from the few other families we encountered on the trail. The woods were tranquil and it was such a special way to say goodbye to summer and hello to autumn.
View our story time below to watch our adventure unfold, and if you are local, I strongly recommend you check out for yourself!
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