When we first started our weekly bilingual story times, I was worried we might run out of Spanish books to read. As a bilingual family we had some books in Spanish on our bookshelf, but definitely far more books in English. Books in Spanish are just not as easy to find, and since so many of our friends are English-dominant speakers, the majority of the books the kids receive as gifts are in English. When I'm reading to Maya and Mateo on the floor, or on the couch, or in bed before night time, sometimes I simultaneously translate they books they choose from English to Spanish, but while that suffices for some Spanish-language input when we are reading one-to-one, it doesn't work quite as well for me to translate off-the-cuff when we're trying to record a bilingual story time. And I know one day when they start to read themselves, they'll realize what I'm doing and the jinx will be up!
So we are so lucky to have a book fairy in our life! My friend and fellow emergent bilingual, Ashley, is a Spanish World Language teacher and generous Tia, and has now sent us three new books to add to our collection. A few weeks ago we read La cerdita sonadora, and this week we present to you Que llega el lobo!
I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't have a chance to sit down and read the new books she sent us right away. So it wasn't until Teo was taking his morning nap and I was preparing to record this week's story time that I actually sat down and read this book. I had in my mind to read it this week because Ashley celebrated her birthday on Saturday, we we wanted to read a book she had given us and dedicate the story time to her.
Well it wasn't until I cracked open the spine of Que llega el lobo to skim it and make sure I could pronounce all the words before I record that I saw this was the perfect text to read for her birthday! In the story, a bunny, a pig, and a bear rush to Moose's house and quickly close the door behind themselves because a wolf is coming.... and that's all I'll say for now. I don't want to spoil the surprise ending, because I want you to watch the story time below, and it might not end just how you are expecting.
Happy Birthday to our dear Titi Ashley, and thank you so much for sending us a gift for your birthday!
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